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/* Posterior estimation in Bayesian models. We are trying to estimate the true value of a Gaussian distributed random variable, given some observed data. The variance is known (2) and we suppose that the mean has a Gaussian distribution with mean 1 and variance 5. We take different measurement (e.g. at different times), indexed with an integer. Given that we observe 9 and 8 at indexes 1 and 2, how does the distribution of the random variable (value at index 0) changes with respect to the case of no observations? From http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~fwood/anglican/examples/viewer/?worksheet=gaussian-posteriors */ :- use_module(library(mcintyre)). :- if(current_predicate(use_rendering/1)). :- use_rendering(c3). :- endif. :- mc. :- begin_lpad. val(I,X) :- mean(M), val(I,M,X). % at time I we see X sampled from a Gaussian with mean M and variamce 2.0 mean(M): user(M,gauss(1.0, 5.0)). % Gaussian distribution of the mean of the Gaussian of the variable val(_,M,X): user(X,gauss(M, 2.0)). % Gaussian distribution of the variable :- end_lpad. gauss(Mean,Variance,S):- number(Mean),!, random(U1), random(U2), R is sqrt(-2*log(U1)), Theta is 2*pi*U2, S0 is R*cos(Theta), StdDev is sqrt(Variance), S is StdDev*S0+Mean. gauss(Mean,Variance,S,D):- StdDev is sqrt(Variance), D is 1/(StdDev*sqrt(2*pi))*exp(-(S-Mean)*(S-Mean)/(2*Variance)). hist_uncond(Samples,NBins,Chart):- mc_sample_arg(val(0,X),Samples,X,L0), histogram(L0,Chart,[nbins(NBins)]). % plot an histogram of the density of the random variable before any % observations by taking Samples samples and by dividing the domain % in NBins bins dens_lw(Samples,NBins,Chart):- mc_sample_arg(val(0,Y),Samples,Y,L0), mc_lw_sample_arg(val(0,X),(val(1,9),val(2,8)),Samples,X,L), densities(L0,L,Chart,[nbins(NBins)]). % plot the densities of the random variable before and after % observing 9 and 8 by taking Samples samples using likelihood weighting % and by dividing the domain % in NBins bins dens_part(Samples,NBins,Chart):- mc_sample_arg(val(0,Y),Samples,Y,L0), mc_particle_sample_arg(val(0,X),[val(1,9),val(2,8)],Samples,X,L), densities(L0,L,Chart,[nbins(NBins)]). % plot the densities of the random variable before and after % observing 9 and 8 by taking Samples samples using particle filtering % and by dividing the domain % in NBins bins /** <examples> ?- dens_lw(1000,40,G). % plot the densities of the random variable before and after % observing 9 and 8 using likelihood weighting ?- dens_part(1000,40,G). % plot the densities of the random variable before and after % observing 9 and 8 using particle filtering ?- hist_uncond(10000,40,G). % plot an histogram of the density of the random variable before any % observations ?- mc_lw_expectation(val(0,X),(val(1,9),val(2,8)),1000,X,E). % E = 7.166960047178755 ?- mc_expectation(val(0,X),10000,X,E). % E = 0.9698875384639362. */