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/* Model checking of the Synchronous Leader Election Protocol expressed in Probabilistic Computation Tree Logic (PCTL). Given a synchronous ring of N processes the protocol is used to elect a leader (a uniquely designated processor) by sending messages around the ring. The protocol proceeds in rounds and is parametrized by a constant K. Each round begins by all processors (independently) choosing a random number (uniformly) from {1,...,K} as an id. The processors then pass their ids around the ring. If there is a unique id, then the processor with the maximum unique id is elected the leader, and otherwise the processors begin a new round. With this program you can - check that the probability of eventually electing a leader is 1 - compute the probability of electing a leader within a certain number of rounds - compute the expected number of rounds to elect a leader - graph the probability of electing a leader within L rounds as a function of L - graph the expected number of rounds to elect a leader as a function of the number of processes or of K From Gorlin, Andrey, C. R. Ramakrishnan, and Scott A. Smolka. "Model checking with probabilistic tabled logic programming." Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 12.4-5 (2012): 681-700. This program was kindly provided by Andrey Gorlin and adapted to MCINTYRE by Fabrizio Riguzzi. See also http://www.prismmodelchecker.org/casestudies/synchronous_leader.php */ /** <examples> % see http://www.prismmodelchecker.org/casestudies/synchronous_leader.php % What is the probability that eventually a leader is elected? ?- mc_sample(eventually(elect),100,P). % expected result 1 % What is the probability of electing a leader within 3 rounds? ?- mc_sample(bounded_eventually(elect,3),1000,P). % expected result 0.97 % What is the expected number of rounds to elect a leader? ?- mc_expectation(eventually(elect,T),1000,T,E). % expected result 1.2 ?- graph_prob(G). % graph the probability of electing a leader within L rounds as % a function of L ?- graph_exp_rounds_n(G). % graph the expected number of rounds to elect a leader as a % function of the number of processes when K=3 ?- graph_exp_rounds_k(G). % graph the expected number of rounds to elect a leader as a % function of K when N=3 ?- network_topology(G). % draw a graph representing the network topology */ :- use_module(library(mcintyre)). :- if(current_predicate(use_rendering/1)). :- use_rendering(c3). :- use_rendering(graphviz). :- endif. :- dynamic kr/1,num/1. :- mc. :- begin_lpad. % State Formulae models(_S, tt,_Hist,_Limit,_Time). models(S, prop(P),_Hist,_Limit,_Time) :- proposition(P, S). models(S, and(F1, F2),Hist,Limit,Time) :- models(S, F1,Hist,Limit,Time), models(S, F2,Hist,Limit,Time). models(S, or(F1, _F2),Hist,Limit,Time) :- models(S, F1,Hist,Limit,Time). models(S, or(F1, F2),Hist,Limit,Time) :- \+ models(S, F1,Hist,Limit,Time), models(S, F2,Hist,Limit,Time). models(S, not(F), Hist,Limit,Time) :- \+ models(S, F,Hist,Limit,Time). models(S, prob_until(comp(Op, P), F1, F2),Hist,Limit,Time) :- mc_sample(pmodels(S, until(F1, F2),Hist,Limit,Time),20, Q), comp(Q, Op, P). models(S, prob_next(comp(Op, P), F),Hist,Limit,Time) :- mc_sample(pmodels(S, next(F),Hist,Limit,Time),20, Q), comp(Q, Op, P). comp(Q,>,P):- Q>P. comp(Q,>=,P):- Q>=P. comp(Q,<,P):- Q<P. comp(Q,=<,P):- Q=<P. % Path Formulae pmodels(S,F):- pmodels(S,F,[],nolimit,0,_Time). pmodels(S,F,Hist,Limit,Time):- pmodels(S,F,Hist,Limit,Time,_Time). pmodels(S, until(_F1, F2),Hist,Limit,Time,Time) :- models(S, F2,Hist,Limit,Time),!. pmodels(S, until(F1, F2),Hist0,Limit,Time0,Time) :- within_limit(Time0,Limit), models(S, F1,Hist0,Limit,Time0), ctrans(S, _, T, Hist0, Hist),!, Time1 is Time0+1, pmodels(T, until(F1,F2),Hist,Limit,Time1,Time). pmodels(S, next(F), Hist,Limit,Time0,Time) :- within_limit(Time0,Limit), ctrans(S, _, T, Hist, _),!, Time is Time0+1, models(T, F,Hist,Limit,Time). within_limit(_Time,nolimit):-!. within_limit(Time,Limit):- Time<Limit. bounded_eventually(Prop,Rounds):- num(N), B is Rounds*(N+1), eventually(Prop,B,_T). eventually(Prop):- eventually(Prop,_T). eventually(Prop,Rounds):- eventually(Prop,nolimit,T), num(N), Rounds is T/(N+1). eventually(Prop,Limit,T) :- init(S), pctlspec(Prop, F), pmodels(S, F,[],Limit,0,T). pctlspec(X, until(tt, prop(X))). proposition(P, S) :- final(P, S). final(elect, [_|L]) :- num(N), gen_elected_state(N, L). gen_elected_state(J, L) :- (J==0 -> L=[] ; L = [state(3,_,_,_)|Rest], J1 is J-1, gen_elected_state(J1,Rest) ). % transitions % module counter % [read] c<N-1 -> (c'=c+1); % reading trans(counter, counter(C), read, counter(D),_S,H,H) :- num(N), C < N-1, D is C+1. % [read] c=N-1 -> (c'=c); % finished reading trans(counter, counter(C), read, counter(C),_S,H,H) :- num(N), C =:= N-1. % [done] u1 | u2 | u3 | u4 -> (c'=c); % done trans(counter, counter(C), done, counter(C),S,H,H) :- get_processid(P), nonlocal(process(P,_), uniqueid, 1,S). % [retry] !(u1 | u2 | u3 | u4) -> (c'=1); % pick again reset counter trans(counter, counter(_C), retry, counter(1),S,H,H) :- findall(P,get_processid(P),PL), maplist(nl(S),PL). % [loop] s1=3 -> (c'=c); % loop (when finished to avoid deadlocks) trans(counter, counter(C), loop, counter(C),S,H,H) :- nonlocal(process(1,_), state, 3,S). % module process % local state % s1=0 make random choice % s1=1 reading % s1=2 deciding % s1=3 finished % [pick] s1=0 -> 1/K : (s1'=1) & (p1'=0) & (v1'=0) & (u1'=true) + ...; % pick value trans(process(_N,_Next), state(0,_,_,_), pick, state(1,1,R,R),_S,H,[pick(R)|H]) :- pick(H,R). %read % [read] s1=1 & u1 & !p1=v2 & c<N-1 -> (u1'=true) & (v1'=v2); trans(process(_N,Next), state(1,1,_,P), read, state(1,1,V,P),S,H,H) :- nonlocal(counter, counter, C,S), num(CN), C < CN - 1, nonlocal(process(Next,_), value, V,S), P \== V. % [read] s1=1 & u1 & p1=v2 & c<N-1 -> (u1'=false) & (v1'=v2) & (p1'=0); trans(process(_N,Next), state(1,1,_,P), read, state(1,0,V,0),S,H,H) :- nonlocal(counter, counter, C,S), num(CN), C < CN - 1, nonlocal(process(Next,_), value, V,S), P == V. % [read] s1=1 & !u1 & c<N-1 -> (u1'=false) & (v1'=v2); trans(process(_N,Next), state(1,0,_,P), read, state(1,0,V,P),S,H,H) :- nonlocal(counter, counter, C,S), num(CN), C < CN - 1, nonlocal(process(Next,_), value, V,S). % read and move to decide % [read] s1=1 & u1 & !p1=v2 & c=N-1 -> (s1'=2) & (u1'=true) & (v1'=0) & (p1'=0); trans(process(_N,Next), state(1,1,_,P), read, state(2,1,0,0),S,H,H) :- nonlocal(counter, counter, C,S), num(CN), C =:= CN - 1, nonlocal(process(Next,_), value, V,S), P \== V. % [read] s1=1 & u1 & p1=v2 & c=N-1 -> (u1'=false) & (v1'=0) & (p1'=0); trans(process(_N,Next), state(1,1,_,P), read, state(2,0,0,0),S,H,H) :- nonlocal(counter, counter, C,S), num(CN), C =:= CN - 1, nonlocal(process(Next,_), value, V,S), P == V. % [read] s1=1 & !u1 & c=N-1 -> (s1'=2) & (u1'=false) & (v1'=0); trans(process(_N,_Next), state(1,0,_,P), read, state(2,0,0,P),S,H,H) :- nonlocal(counter, counter, C,S), num(CN), C =:= CN - 1. % done % [done] s1=2 -> (s1'=3) & (u1'=false) & (v1'=0) & (p1'=0); trans(process(_N,_Next), state(2,_,_,_), done, state(3,0,0,0),_S,H,H). % retry % [retry] s1=2 -> (s1'=0) & (u1'=false) & (v1'=0) & (p1'=0); trans(process(_N,_Next), state(2,_,_,_), retry, state(0,0,0,0),_S,H,H). % loop (when finished to avoid deadlocks) % [loop] s1=3 -> (s1'=3); trans(process(_N,_Next), state(3,U,V,P), loop, state(3,U,V,P),_S,H,H). pick(H,V):- kr(K), K1 is K-1, PH is 1/K, findall(I,between(0,K1,I),L), foldl(pick_value(H,PH),L,(1,_),(_,V)). pick_value(_H,_PH,_I,(P0,V0),(P0,V0)):- nonvar(V0). pick_value(H,PH,I,(P0,V0),(P1,V1)):- var(V0), PF is PH/P0, (pick_fact(H,V0,PF)-> P1=PF, V1=I ; P1 is P0*(1-PF), V1=V0 ). pick_fact(_,_,P):P. %pick(H,0):0.5; pick(H,1):0.5. ctrans(S, A, T, Hi, Ho) :- config(P), find_matching_trans(P,S,S,[],A,T,Hi,Ho). find_matching_trans([], [], _CS, _PA, A, [], H,H) :- nonvar(A). find_matching_trans([P|Ps], [S|Ss], CS, PA, A, [T|Ts],Hi,Ho) :- pick_trans(P, S, CS, PA, A, T, Hi,H1), find_matching_trans(Ps, Ss, CS, PA, A, Ts,H1,Ho). find_matching_trans([P|Ps], [S|Ss], CS, PA, A, [S|Ts], Hi,Ho) :- % skip current process; but then all transitions enabled in the current % process will be prohibited for selection in later processes. enabled_trans(P,L), (nonvar(A) -> \+ member(A,L); true), append(L, PA, PA1), find_matching_trans(Ps, Ss, CS, PA1, A, Ts, Hi, Ho). pick_trans(P, S, CS, PA, A, T, H0,H) :- etrans(P, S, PA, A, T,CS, H0,H). etrans(P, S, PA, A, T, CS,H0,H) :- trans(P, S, A, T,CS,H0,H), A \= epsilon, \+ member(A, PA). enabled_trans(P, L) :- setof(A, enabled_trans_in_process(P,A), L). enabled_trans_in_process(P,A) :- clause(trans(P,_,A,_,_,_,_),_), A \= epsilon. nonlocal(Proc, Var, Val,CS) :- getpid(Proc, Var, Pid, Idx), nth1(Pid, CS, State), arg(Idx, State, Val). % writeln(nonlocal_read(Proc, State, Var, Val)). getpid(Proc, Var, Pid, Idx) :- config(Config), nth1(Pid, Config, Proc), nonlocal_access(Proc, Var, Idx). get_processid(P):- num(N), between(1,N,P). config([counter| L]) :- findall(P,get_processid(P),PL), maplist(neighbor,PL,L). neighbor(I,process(I,J)) :- num(N), (I<N -> J is I+1 ; J = 1 ). %config([counter, process(1,2), process(2,3), process(3,4), process(4,1)]). init(S) :- config(P), maplist(init_state,P,S). init_state(counter, counter(1)). init_state(process(_,_), state(0,0,0,0)). nonlocal_access(counter, counter, 1). nonlocal_access(process(_,_), state, 1). nonlocal_access(process(_,_), uniqueid, 2). nonlocal_access(process(_,_), value, 3). nl(S,P):- nonlocal(process(P, _), uniqueid, 0,S). num(4). kr(4). :- end_lpad. network_topology(digraph(G)):- config([_|L]), maplist(to_edge,L,G). to_edge(process(A,B),edge(A -> B,[])). graph_prob(G):- retract(num(N)), retract(kr(K)), assert(num(4)), assert(kr(2)), findall(L-P, (between(1,6,L),mc_sample(bounded_eventually(elect,L),100,P)),LV), G=c3{data:_{x:x, rows:[x-'Probability of leader elected within L rounds (N=4, K=2)'|LV]},%legend:_{show: false}, axis:_{x:_{min:1,max:6,label:'L',padding:_{bottom:0.0,top:0.0}}, % tick:_{values:[0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0]}}, y:_{label:'Probability',padding:_{bottom:0.0,top:0.0}}}}, % tick:_{values:[0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0]}}}}, retract(num(4)), retract(kr(2)), assert(num(N)), assert(kr(K)). graph_exp_rounds_n(G):- retract(num(NI)), retract(kr(KI)), assert(kr(3)), findall(N-E, (between(3,8,N), assert(num(N)), mc_expectation(eventually(elect,T),100,T,E), retract(num(N))), LV), G=c3{data:_{x:x, rows:[x-'Expected rounds to elect a leader (K=3)'|LV]},%legend:_{show: false}, axis:_{x:_{min:3,max:8,label:'N',padding:_{bottom:0.0,top:0.0}}, y:_{label:'Expected rounds',padding:_{bottom:0.0,top:0.0}}}}, retract(kr(3)), assert(num(NI)), assert(kr(KI)). graph_exp_rounds_k(G):- retract(num(NI)), retract(kr(KI)), assert(num(3)), findall(K-E, (between(3,8,K), assert(kr(K)), mc_expectation(eventually(elect,T),500,T,E), retract(kr(K))), LV), G=c3{data:_{x:x, rows:[x-'Expected rounds to elect a leader (N=3)'|LV]},%legend:_{show: false}, axis:_{x:_{min:3,max:8,label:'K',padding:_{bottom:0.0,top:0.0}}, y:_{label:'Expected rounds',padding:_{bottom:0.0,top:0.0}}}}, retract(num(3)), assert(num(NI)), assert(kr(KI)).