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/* This program performs linear regression using the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayesian_linear_regression ) It also includes predicate generate_data(N,Variance,Coeff,X,Y) that generates an N-row dataset with predictor variables in matrix X and predicted variable in list Y. The predicted variable is computed with the formula Y=Coeff dotprod X+Noise Variance is the variance of Noise Predicate example_lr(N,Coeff) is used to test the algorithm for linear regression and dataset generation: it generates a N-row dataset with 5 as the noise variance and coefficients [1,2,3]. Coeff is the output of regression and should be a list of three numbers close to [1,2,3] The higher N is, the closer to [1,2,3] Coeff should be */ :-use_module(library(matrix)). :-use_module(library(mcintyre)). :-use_module(library(clpfd)). /** <examples> ?- example_lr(100,Coeff). it should return [1,2,3] */ :- mc. :- begin_lpad. noise(_,Epsilon,Variance):gaussian(Epsilon,0,Variance). x(_,_,X_ij):gaussian(X_ij,0,10). :-end_lpad. example_lr(N,Coeff):- generate_data(N,5,[1,2,3],X,Y), linear_regression(X,Y,Coeff), draw_dataset(X,Y,Coeff). draw_dataset(X,Y,Coeff):- <-library(plot3D), transpose(X,XT), XT=[X1,X2|_], XV=..[c|X1], x<-XV, YV=..[c|X2], y<-YV, ZV=..[c|Y], z<-ZV, numlist(-10,10,L), LV=..[c|L], xm<-LV, ym<-LV, m<-mesh(xm,ym), xs<-m$x, ys<-m$y, generate_plane(L,Coeff,Z), ZSV=..[c|Z], generate_plane(L,[1,2,3],ZT), ZTV=..[c|ZT], zs<-matrix(ZSV,ncol=21, byrow='TRUE'), zt<-matrix(ZTV,ncol=21, byrow='TRUE'), <- {|r||scatter3D(x,y,z,xlab="x1",ylab="x2",zlab="y",xlim=c(-10,10), ylim=c(-10,10), zlim=c(-10,10), bty="b2", clim = range(zs),col="black") surf3D(xs, ys, zs, xlim=c(-10,10), ylim=c(-10,10), zlim=c(-10,10), bty = "b2", border = "gray",add = TRUE, clim = range(zs), alpha=0.9)|}. % true plane % surf3D(xs, ys, zt, xlim=c(-10,10), ylim=c(-10,10), zlim=c(-10,10), col="gray", % bty = "b2", border = "black",add = TRUE, clim = range(zs), alpha=1.0)|}. generate_plane(L,Coeff,Z):- findall(V,(member(X,L),member(Y,L),lin_fun(X,Y,Coeff,V)),Z). lin_fun(X,Y,[A,B,C],V):- V is A*X+B*Y+C. %% linear_regression(+X,+Y,-Coeff) is det. % perform linear regression on data X,Y and return the coefficients in Coeff % X is a matrix with one row per example and one entry per predictor variable except for % the last one that should always be 1 (used for the intercept). % Y is a vector with one element per example encoding the predicted variable % So X is % [[x_1(1),x_2(1),...,1], % [x_1(2),x_2(2),...,1], % ... % [x_1(N),x_2(N),...,1]] % and Y is % Y=[y(1),y(2),...,y(N)] % linear_regression(X,Y,Coeff):- transpose(X,XT), matrix_multiply(XT,X,XTX), matrix_inversion(XTX,XTX_1), matrix_multiply(XTX_1,XT,XTX_1XT), transpose([Y],YT), matrix_multiply(XTX_1XT,YT,CoeffT), transpose(CoeffT,[Coeff]). % generates data % Variance is the noise variance % Coeff is a list of coefficients for the predictor variables % the last element of Coeff is the y-intercept (fixed term) % the number of predictors is |Coeff|-1 % each predictor is sampled from Gauss(0,10) generate_data(N,Variance,Coeff,X,Y):- numlist(1,N,Indexes), maplist(linear_funct(Variance,Coeff),Indexes,X,Y). % computes Y_I=X_I dotprod Coeff + Noise % Noise is Epsilon linear_funct(Variance,Coeff,I,X_I,Y_I):- sample_noise(I,Variance,Epsilon), length(Coeff,N_predictors_1), N_predictors is N_predictors_1-1, numlist(1,N_predictors,Predictors_Indexes), maplist(sample_data(I),Predictors_Indexes,X_Ip), append(X_Ip,[1],X_I), foldl(prod,Coeff,X_I,0,Y_I_0), Y_I is Y_I_0+Epsilon. prod(A,X,Y0,Y):- Y is Y0+ A*X. sample_noise(I,Variance,Epsilon):- mc_sample_arg_raw(noise(I,Noise,Variance),1,Noise,Sample), Sample=[Epsilon]. sample_data(I,J,X_IJ):- mc_sample_arg_raw(x(I,J,X),1,X,Sample), Sample=[X_IJ].